Home2019'Olympian' Pak Rudy does Badminton Asia proud

‘Olympian’ Pak Rudy does Badminton Asia proud


( Mr Bambang Roedyanto / Rudy Person on the left ) 

Never did it cross his mind that his passion for the game could land him an Olympic assignment as Deputy Sports Manager (Badminton) in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

A key figure in Badminton Asia as chair events the much loved Bambang Roedyanto (Person on the left) will have a dual role in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. He is also the discipline manager for the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games.

For the Kalimantan-born Pak Rudy, as he is known in the badminton fraternity, it is "an honor" to be the only non-Japanese at the moment to be involved in the game after getting strong recommendations and blessings from the Badminton World Federation (BWF) and Badminton Asia.

"Frankly, I am still in a daze with the appointment. I never knew that my passion for the game could take me this far…the Olympics. It is like a dream for me for someone who first got started watching the game as a fan in the stands," said Pak Rudy.

Two months into the job, Pak Rudy has already picked up some Japanese traits, especially on discipline and culture.

"Japan is a very unique country. It is a big challenge for me…something new to me.  I am excited and looking forward to carrying out my heavy responsibilities which include meetings with the IOC (International Olympic Council)," added Pak Rudy, who has already lost some 5kgs in weight.

"Walking is a Japanese way of life. They do a lot of walking. That is probably why I have lost weight. I got to adapt to this (walking).

Pak Rudy earned recognition as the venue manager (Istora Senayan) during the 2018 Asian Games and also the Indonesia Open due to his immaculate organizational abilities which left many in awe.

He was also deeply involved in the 2015 World Championships in Jakarta and the World Junior Championships in Yogyakarta in 2017.

Coming back to the Tokyo Olympics, Pak Rudy said: "I am very passionate and crazy about badminton. I started my badminton 'journey' as a badminton fan in the stands.
"I am still dreaming as I never thought that from being a badminton fan I will reach the pinnacle (Olympics).

This is the second Olympics for Pak Rudy who was also at the 2016 Rio Olympics in Brazil as a support staff of the Indonesian badminton team.


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