Home2021United in Triumph

United in Triumph



2020 has challenged all of us in different ways and we have shown that we're not easily defeated. 2021 is the year that we reclaim our triumphs – the triumphs that were put on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic. And we will do it together, as we have done so in 2020. Let us be united in our triumphs, a theme we have set for 2021. 


But what does that mean? The word ‘triumph’ itself is the ‘act, fact, or condition of being victorious or triumphant’ and a ‘significant success or noteworthy achievement’. However for us, the phrase ‘United in Triumph’ is more than just about winning. For Badminton Asia, ‘United in Triumph’ is about being together in times of victory and hardships, and about being united in our goals and successes. 


Badminton Asia emphasizes the importance of striving for greater personal achievements, as well as achievements as a collective. Meaning that when one succeeds, we all succeed. A player’s success inspires all of us to achieve our own goals and victories, and pushes all of us to be at our best. This is the mindset that we all must have moving forward this year, in 2021.



In Connection with our Main Theme ‘United and Connected’


It’s important to note that our 2021 theme of ‘United in Triumph’, does not stand alone. It is connected with Badminton Asia’s overall theme of ‘United and Connected’. Our United and Connected theme that started in 2020, highlights our effort to bring together our love for badminton from athletes to coaches, to supporters all over Asia. And most importantly, the ‘connection’ isn’t just about the sport itself, but also how we are all connected together as a community, despite all of our differences. 


‘United and Triumph’ is the next step in our ‘United and Connected’ vision; a vision of being connected together as a wider community. It’s about succeeding and being victorious together, despite the cultural differences. We hope that when it comes to our love of badminton, we are all united in wanting to see it grow bigger, and not just the sport itself, but also the badminton community. 


The Resilience we Built in 2020 is our Fuel to Move Forward in 2021


Even though 2020 is behind us already, there are a lot of things to look back on. This year has been filled with uncertainty and challenges due to the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic. The whole world changed and people from all walks of life were affected by the virus. People’s lives were at risk, jobs were lost, and adjustments had to be made everywhere for the health and safety of everyone. Sporting events were heavily affected as well, especially badminton. As a result, starting from major sporting events such as the Tokyo Olympics, to our regional badminton tournaments, many of these events had to have been postponed or cancelled. 


It is an incredibly challenging time for everyone, but we all stayed united in pushing forward. Badminton Asia and all our athletes were determined to succeed in the year. Players and coaches have adjusted their training regiments and have continued to practice via online methods. Our Shuttle Time programs were still conducted in countries with allowable situations. Badminton Asia signed a digital partnership with Sports Innovation and Technology Centre (SITC) of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia to further develop our technological innovations for the future. Our development team has continued to grow our Asia Olympic Project (AOP) program for all of our athletes involved. And so much more happened in 2020. Despite the challenges, we were all together in wanting to move forward and prospering in these uncertain times. 


As we begin in 2021, Badminton Asia aims to bring a more positive energy, going into the new year. We hope that the organization, the players and everyone involved, come into the new year, aiming to be at their maximum potential, and fighting and achieving their personal best. Next week, tournaments are starting to take place. On the 12th of January, the Thailand Open will commence, followed by the World Tour Finals in Bangkok, Thailand. Then, in the summer, the Tokyo Olympics are finally happening. We hope that all of our athletes from the Asian continental will succeed and dominate in all of these events, and will achieve success both as individuals and as a collective.


2020 was a tough year but we are all moving forward in 2021. A new year, with new challenges, and new goals. But for whatever happens, we hope to all be united in our hardships, and our triumphs. Together, Asia will be triumphant in our goals and our ambitions in order to push forward the badminton community even further. Let’s be United in Triumph.



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